
Counting the Days is here!

The last pattern in the Marking Time collection is here and ready for your advent kit scraps!

Weirdly, though my main goal for this project was to work well with advent kits, the yarn I used was a collection of 24 5g minis from Canon Hand Dyes. That at least gave the correct yardage limits as if I really were working with scraps, so it all worked out!

I’m wearing a cowl with stripes of garter and lace in different colors

Though my natural inclination with a simple daily knitting project is always garter stitch, I wanted a little bit of SOMETHING for visual and knitting interest. I found a simple lace pattern that has the added bonus of creating a slight chevron shape, and it worked perfectly! I couldn’t believe how much fun it was to knit the sample - that confirmed it as the perfect daily advent kit pattern. (Of course, it would be equally fun in a single color; that way you don’t have to pause in between each stripe!)

My favorite type of cowl is one where the different colors/patterns circle around your neck, rather than stack vertically, because the vertical type ones always end up hiding some of the design in the folds. This cowl is long enough to wrap twice (though I didn’t get any good photos of that since I later discovered a huge logo on my jacket was in every photo!)