Wonder Walking

One of the things I’ve been doing this year while quarantining is taking lots of walks. I live near a quiet neighborhood, and as such I like to walk up and down the streets off the main traffic road to avoid traffic noise and other pedestrians. I spend a not-insignificant amount of time admiring the fancy ($$) houses and expansive yards, and my favorite thing to do is find small, magical things while out walking. It’s usually pretty flowers, but sometimes it’s an interesting pattern in the sidewalk, a cute animal, or delightful decorations (especially true during October!). I also love a good street couch.

Looking for weird and/or delightful things to take pictures of has always been a hobby of mine, but I recently encountered a term that describes it so perfectly, I won’t be able to think of it as anything else now! That’s “wonder walking,” and I encountered it while admiring Amy T Won’s art on her instagram. You can get her full description of the practice from her social media, but I hope the next time you take a walk, you keep an eye out for the miniscule and mundane!

I’ve put some recent pictures below. Left to my own devices, this would be an infinite scroll! If you want to see more, you can find my non-knitting photos at @darlingsan on instagram.